De bonnes choses

I will start studying Russian at breakfast instead of looking at Facebook, I think. And Filipino food sounds great.

There is a good article about race and representation in that region said to be Acadian.

Chomsky has an article on the death of universities. On organizing, he says “Don’t be intimidated, don’t be frightened, and recognize that the future can be in our hands if we’re willing to grasp it.”

Morris Berman is convinced it is time to go.

The Andes Imagined, a book on indigenismo and modernity I want to read.

There is a journal of antinarrative poetry. I like the category and I think the poems I am working on fit it.

Race and gender, race and patriarchy (which is white): slavery was passed down through the mother.

Race as we know it appeared in fact in the 16th and 17th centuries (see essay above) and was part of coloniality/modernity. There is a tension between coloniality and modernity whose asymptote, as it were, is slavery and race, as Toussaint saw. OR: It was created in the 15th century in Spain, and it was about Jews.

DFS is a major work, not used enough because of its difficulty. It makes the argument others have also made — that racism and modernity are one — and it is attractive because it casts race in a global frame. That means that it does not permit us to avoid discussions of racism by exceptionalism. I find it valuable for that reason; I am not sure if I can evaluate DFS’ apparent claim that it all comes down to the cogito. Nevertheless it is valuable because it allows us to look at white supremacy as world system and not bog down in the idea that one can only understand race if one accepts (I would say) the strategies of avoidance used in a particular place. More than that, it identifies specific mechanisms that keep white supremacy in place and that allow us to elucidate some short circuits that appear again and again in Latin American writing.

Note Kassie’s point from the spring: the way appropriation happens, such that white Latin Americans are able to say they are not European and are “natives.” This comes into play here.

I need to get these ideas clear.


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