Voracious America

In La expresión americana Lezama apparently describes America as a cannibal or voracious stomach, eating cultures and giving them a new shape, and then in a slightly different key, we’ve got La vorágine, the jungle that devours. So this cannibal motif is everywhere, not just in Oswald. I have to think more about this. Axé.

Imago y paisaje

Aquí. This article is very pretty, with lovely and suggestive prose. Paisaje is naturaleza convertida en cultura por un sujeto; it is an imago, or an idealized image. According to Lezama it is paisaje that creates culture. And it is in the discovery of countryside that la expresión americana begins, and it is the imago … More Imago y paisaje

Killing Spanish

This book has been on my list for over ten years for reasons I had forgotten, but finally I ordered it because I see: it is about family novels and how the split between Americanized protagonists and their families is usually resolved through the killing of a character representing origins. I can use this for … More Killing Spanish